
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

christmas present

Every year, our children’s school puts on a beautiful Christmas musical & pageant.  It always occurs the night of the last day of school before the holidays, and there is a matinee performance a few days earlier, for those who can’t make the final night.

Hours and hours of practice throughout the November and December months are put into this show.  Teachers and students alike take great pride with showcasing their hard work. 

{Clay Gift Ornament Tag instructions here}

Because I’m on the marketing committee at our school, I attended the full dress rehearsal this week to take some photos and video (I volunteered to edit the video of the performance to be put on the school website…yes, what have I gotten myself into???).

At rehearsal, all the kids were fidgety.  Many talked/pinched/squirmed through other performances, and in general, the energy was not quite there.  Maybe that’s what happens on a Monday morning after a weekend before Christmas (where I’m sure many of the kids were tired from attending Christmas parties…my kids included!).  I can see the tension and worry on the teacher’s faces…what’s going on with all these kids?  All that hard work…

But every year, without fail, when it’s time for these kids to shine, they are up, energetic and dressed to impress.  I guess they’ve “been there, done that”, and since they have done rehearsals for the Christmas pageant so many times, they instinctually know to package their energy until it really matters, then they let it rip, and give it all they’ve got!

It is with this giving spirit, that in return, these kids know their parents, grandparents and loved ones, will sit though off key notes and flubbed lines, put a smile on their faces, and give their gift of love and support. 

{Photo gift card holder in frames. Card holder instructions here}

And that’s the best present anyone could ask for.

{Attending these beautiful  parties...Privet and Holly}


  1. I taught kindergarten for 7 years and always hated when teachers took the practicing so seriously that they would get bent out of shape. The show will go on and the kids will do their best and their best will be good enough. My son played sax in a holiday concert on Monday night (I'm pretty sure he would like your nutella bread pudding). We finished school today and are now officially on winter break until January 8th. :) I might make some clay ornaments over the next two weeks. Happy holidays to you and yours, Tammy

  2. So, so, beautiful!
    I could relate to
    each and every word.
    We attended my son's
    middle school band
    concert and the love
    and support in the
    air were palpable.
    I hope you had a
    wonderful Christmas.
    Thank you for participating
    in Monday Moments
    in 2012! So happy that
    you are lending your
    voice to the Blogosphere.
    You are my kind of
    blogger : )

    xx Suzanne


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