
Saturday, May 10, 2014

mother's day

As a writer of a blog, I've published many stories, recipes, DIY and crafts that have been tested, tried and true in my home.  My own cathartic way to express my creativity.

Creative expression is very important, and as a mother (or any parent or guardian), one of the most rewarding things to see is our children's creativity.  It reflects how much they have progressed, what they've learned, and their view of the world.  It's also a sneak peek at understanding how we've  influenced them...answering which trait, which part of us has been passed on to them.  

For Mother's Day, I thought I'd sit back and show the results of my kid's creative and crafts made by the KIDS.  The recipes, the creative juices that flowed, the results of their creative juices.  It's a window into their world.  Those funny, insane, creative little moments...displayed in the hall of their school...

...or a drawing for a book report...

...or just silly dress up play with the toys...

...or a family craft, done yearly for the holidays...

Now it's my turn to really shine...with pride.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. aww lovely! that's just too too cute of your kids.. :) you're so lucky mother that you got so adorable and caring kids :) lots of hugs for you and your kids :)


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