
Monday, May 21, 2012

let's face it

As much as I kicked and screamed, I finally did it.  A few months ago, I finally joined Facebook.

It's not that I don't see value in it...for some, it's a wonderful way to connect with friends and family.  However I had envisioned some old high school crazies (a.k.a. former boyfriends) from the past...haunting, stalking and lurking (eewww!), or people being "friends" with me for the sole notion of trying to connect with someone I may or may not know (formerly being in the film industry has allowed me to meet some very famous people).  And the people I really want to connect with, I've done so the old fashioned way...seeing them face to face.

I also had this strange fantasy of being the last person on earth (or at least in North America) to join Facebook.  To remain relatively anonymous to everyone except to those who I care and love, and be under the radar.  I even had the news segment written in my mind...Mark Zuckerberg chasing after the only person in the Northern Hemisphere who never opened a Facebook account. Who is this mysterious person?  It's like "The Amazing Race" but I'm the target.  Then, with helicopters and CNN knocking at my door, discovering that it's this little old lady who bakes, paints, decorates and writes in her little abode, who thinks the world of her family and friends.

But I guess you can say Facebook is another extension of writing a blog.  It's to share wonderful stories.  To connect with people...those I know, and those who will be a blessing to get to know.  Those with a similar purpose.  Simplicity.  Happiness.  Being In the Moment.

Ultimately, that is the appeal of Facebook.  Although they just went public this past weekend, with a fairly predictable IPO of $38/share, I think what attributed to much of the hoopla of purchasing shares of the company is the feeling (or owning) part of the magnificent story or on a grander scheme, buying into the notion continuing to connect with friends.  I didn't get shares (I think the market price will adjust to more like $20/share, but what do I know!?!)...and although I'm more of a Twitter and Pinterest kind of girl, you can now find me too, on Facebook.  There goes my appearance on CNN...

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