
Friday, February 03, 2012

pass the tissue

Earlier this year, I read in the Hollywood Reporter that Martha Stewart's Living Show has been cancelled on The Hallmark Network.  

I guess I didn't realize she still HAD a show on TV (I'm mostly an online kinda girl!).  It's been awhile since the overall culture has been Martha obsessed, and I think with a plethora of HGTV programs, Food Network celebrity shows, and thousands of blogs that write about food, DIY, design, and all things considered "domesticated arts"...I think it's safe to say she has been replaced on television.

While it seems Martha has lost her special touch of enticing us to make "homemade marshmallows" or "Faberge-worthy easter eggs", I don't know if I'd shed a tear for her just yet.   It is reported that she is considering a "web-only TV show" (source here), and I think that's a clever new path for her to take.  She has been a pioneer in bringing "domesticated arts" to the mainstream, and has created online superstars out of those who worked with her (Eddie Ross comes to mind), and inspired "Martha Stewart for the Millennials" type online publications (like Design Sponge).  

I hope she really embraces where the industry is going, and tries to pass the baton (sort of speak) and create a venue, much like Oprah did with Nate Berkus, and showcase upcoming talent.

And while there are so many new "stars" like her that have shown us that we too, can make our own hemp curtains, grow our own organic vegetables and throw fabulously stylish environmentally-conscious children's birthday parties, I think she started what no other one person has done yet...made us feel like we too, can achieve that impossible dream, of being Martha.

No Sew Tissue Box Cover
(inspired by Martha Stewart's tissue box cover, and my own Hippo Costume)

Saw this oldie but goodie project on Martha's website...but didn't feel like sewing, really.  So, using the same technique I did when I created my daughter's school project  {here}, as well as using left over felt fabric from that same project, I created this.  Turns an ugly tissue box into something that can coordinate in a room.

1.  Place tissue box on felt fabric, and cut one side to cover, to measure.
2.  Cut along all four sides.
3.  Your fabric should look like this.
4.  Fold fabric over.
5.  Cut a hole on the top of the overlap.
6.  With remnant fabric, cut long thin strips.
7.  Tie with thin strips.
8.  If you wish, cut holes on the side edges of the boxes and tie with thin strips.

You're covered.

{Attending these beautiful  parties...Coastal Charm}

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