
Friday, January 20, 2012

behind the desk

With the cold weather, most of my time has been spent doing more indoor activities.  Baking, cleaning, laundry...writing. (ahem....and not doing too much exercise).

I've been searching for a desk for my son's room, and a few days ago I discovered a sturdy, perfect sized one hidden in the corner of my local thrift store.  It is solid wood, well made, and is screaming to be redone.

It's amazing how a little purchase can re-invigorate my motivation to get up and get moving.  At least to do a few small house projects.  Here's what I've found on Pinterest (my latest obsession), that has furthered my motivation.
Paint the desk a dark nautical navy blue?
{Source: Hackettstown}

Paint the desk "antiqued grey"?
 {Source: TritterFeefer}

After consulting with my junior client, I think I might just get some paint chips, sandpaper, and prep this piece....and try to get this project started (it's winter here, so painting will have to happen when the temperature is above the freezing mark).

White might be too feminine, but I love the handles on this desk.
{Source: The Furniture Factory}

At least I will get out from behind my desk.  

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