
Friday, December 30, 2011

last year

" this year as if it were your last"

I stumbled across a book with this title, and discovered that many people have blogged about their experience of doing and document a year in their lives as if it were going to be their last.  I thought it was an interesting blog concept..slightly morbid, but interesting.  Then I realized that unknowingly, this is something I think myself, and many bloggers have been doing sub-conciously all along.

Now, I don't write as if this is my last year.  But I think as a writer (especially one who likes to touch on personal stories), we write and blog to document all these wonderful moments in our lives.  We do this to remember.  And honestly, to re-live it.  To observe and bring light to small (and not so small) moments.  Then embrace and learn the lessons from it.  Then share them with family and friends, old and new.

And as in life, we don't know how long we will continue, but if we do, we will live our lives with purpose and meaning. We share our observations and dreams, not for fame, but for inspiration.

So it's with this personal note, I wish all of you, a very Happy New Year.  To remember the past year of smiles and tears ...embrace and learn from them, and move forward to laugh and cry, in 2012.

Happy NewYear!!!

1 comment:

  1. So well is a great reminder of the past and present...and an inspiration to write about what is to come. Great family pictures..Happy New Year ( I think I can still say that :) may be the 5th, but it is going to take me 3 months to stop writing 2011 on cheques. haha. Lynne


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