
Friday, November 04, 2011

left behind

I have to be honest...I haven't been able to catch up on my endless DIY projects, nor have I really experimented too much with new recipes (and I can't even begin to think about the piles of laundry, dishes and cleaning to be done).  Although I have been busy with the usual family activities, I've also been a little distracted because of one particular book I've been reading.

One day at the grocery store (of all places), I saw on the discount table, a few books that were on clearance.  I usually go to the library for my book reads, but one book in particular caught my eye...when I read the back cover, I knew I just had to buy this book.
{Source:  Notes Left Behind website}

Notes left Behind, is a national bestselling book that chronicles the journey of the family of Elena, a six year old girl with cancer.  A story of incredible courage of this little girl, and how she, wise beyond her years, left love notes to her family, hidden around the house as treasures to discover, after she is gone.  It's been a book that at all at once, has been difficult to put down, but at the same time, I find myself needing to put it down, to wipe my tears.

I now find myself thinking of this book when I feel myself getting getting mad or frustrated about petty things, especially around my children. Although we are very blessed to have very healthy and happy kids, I think the authors of Notes Left Behind would want everyone to treasure the miracles of everyday living....because you never know what the future holds.

This excerpt has particularly struck me...

"Time was plentiful before-or at least so we thought-and our priorities were different.  Cleaning, errands, and repairs were more important than time with our children.  These were our guilty pleasures and now there is no time left to waste....When will it end?  Will it ever end?  Who knows, but I hope I have to keep making these decisions for the rest of my life.  That's the curse of medicine.  You can diagnose the disease, but God keeps the time frame a secret.  I guess it's best this way to keep living and to see the importance in every action.  I see it now but only hope that the lesson will soon be over, and she will be cured.  Until then, every weekend, afternoon and morning will be different."

The notes that Elena left behind is an inspiration for all of us.  I often wonder what legacy I will leave behind someday when I am gone.

One lesson that is now ingrained in me is to accept that it's okay to now and then, leave behind the laundry, the dishes and the vacuuming just so I can spend a little more quality time with my family.  So that someday when I'm gone, what I really leave behind are things that matter.  Those special, magical moments.

{Shared this at these beautiful  parties...Centsational Girl }


  1. Excellent post and so true, but unfortunately people are usually more concerned with keeping up appearances then the fragileness of life.


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