
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

hot lunch

Sometimes I feel a little sadness for kids today…I think they miss out on the simple things we used to do when we were little.  Play outside with neighbors without parental guidance until the streetlights came on. Coming home (and not going to a hockey or soccer game) to be “bored” doing homework or watching after school specials on television.  Or walking home from school (unescorted to boot!) at noon for a homemade lunch.

It might have been a simple lunch.  But it always tasted like pure goodness.  Straight from Mom’s hands, to our plates.  Maybe it tasted so good because it tasted…comforting. A break from “a hard day” at school, to talk with someone who understands, or at least just listens.
Although it’s now logistically difficult to have children eat a homemade lunch at home, who says they can’t have a little bit of "home" at school?

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese


3 Tbsp all-purpose flour
3 3/4 cups elbow macaroni

1 1/3 cups chicken or vegetable stock

1 1/4 cups low-fat milk

1 1/2 tsp vegetable oil

1 1/4 cups shredded cheddar cheese

2 tsp water
6 tbsp grated parmesan cheese

1 tsp. dijon mustard


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook the macaroni until tender but firm, 8 to 10 minutes.
2. While the macaroni is cooking, whisk the flour, stock and milk in a saucepan until smooth. Place over medium heat and cook, whisking constantly, for 3 minutes or until hot and thickened.
3. Stir in the cheddar cheese, 3 Tbsp of the Parmesan cheese and the mustard. Cook until the cheese melts, about 1 minute. Remove from the heat.

4. Toss the macaroni with the cheese sauce.
5. Place in thermos according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Keeps hot for up to 5 hours for a nice hot lunch.

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