
Friday, August 19, 2011

living on water

As our wedding anniversary approaches, I start to think of our honeymoon and the incredible travelling experience my husband and I had.  We toured Italy, France and Spain (the southern regions, which also included Monaco and Cannes), and since neither of us had been to Europe we wanted to see as much as we could in the three short weeks we had to visit 3 countries (technically four countries, as Monaco is considered a country on it's own...oh, how my mind wanders....)

So, we thought that the best way to discover the Mediterranean was to tour it on a cruise.  Although we don't really consider ourselves "guided tour" people, it was a great way to see highlights of these countries and to note where we'd like to re-visit, enjoying fine dining and be pampered at night, without much worry.

And they certainly make travelling on a cruise ship luxurious...
who wouldn't mind staying on a ship like this:

{source:  Crystal Cruises }

In the next week, I will show some lovely places to stay in Italy, France, and Spain, ending with our favourite spot that we'd definitely go back to someday.

Bon Voyage,

Simply Beautiful Now

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