
Friday, July 15, 2011

Interior Design Dream Team- The Family Estate

My dream is to design and live in a beautiful and refined Georgian home.  So, when Julie Charbonneau's renovated Georgian estate was featured in Canadian House and Home magazine a few years ago, I was inspired.  I especially adore her beautiful kitchen.  To me, it's the kitchen of all kitchens that I compare to when I flip through design magazines.  It stands the test of time, and the fact that she added almost 1000 square feet to the original home to accommodate a large entertainer's kitchen, I was smitten.

Her designs are classic elegance with a hint of French provincial style.  There is a sense of grandeur without being outlandish or overindulgent.  Most of the rooms below are pictures of her own home...some are from a Niagara estate that she designed for a client...which was also featured in the H&H magazine.

Sit back and enjoy...there is a LOT of gorgeousness, so this tour will take quite a while...

Beautiful place to sit for meals.

Love the dark french doors with the comfortable chairs
in the eating area of this kitchen.

Gorgeous ceiling height cabinetry.

The Butler's Servery...
love the pharmaceutical filing cabinets.

Stunning wrought iron staircase...this was featured on the cover
of Canadian House and Home magazine (the Niagara house).

A place to dine with guests.  What lovely detailed cabinets.

The other side of the dining room...
where guests can enjoy the scenery outside.

Beautiful mahogany in the Master suite (Niagara home).

Entry to child's room...beautiful detailed panels.

Gorgeous antique daybed...I actually saw this in, I believe,
her store window in Montreal.

The black chandelier is so sophisticated
yet whimsical for a child's room.

An older child or guest room.  Such peaceful colours.

Can we get anymore French than this?

The cantilevered vanity is Ms. Charbonneau's trademark.

A quiet office or sitting room.

A restful library to read.

{source: De Poitier}

Maybe some day...


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Everyone one of these rooms are so perfect.

  2. Julie is such an artiste! Classic elegance! Her aesthetic is spot on!


What the beautiful people are saying...