
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Simple Bunny Treats

With Easter approaching, I'm am in "treat" mode...chocolates and jelly bean eggs fill the shelves at the store, taunting me to purchase all those delectable sweets.

For Easter, what's more fun than eating something fluffy and "bunny" related.  Something as simple as a marshmallow that looks like...a bunny tail!

When I usually give out treats (like in a loot bag), if there is something I am not making from scratch, I usually want to do something to the packaging so it looks personal.

Here's a quick and easy "packaging" idea for the marshmallow "bunny tails" (cotton candy or chocolate dipped marshmallows can be fluffy tails too).  This literally took me 10 minutes to do (not including the disruptive pleas like "Mommeee, can I eat some marshmallows now???").

I took a simple sheet of paper (although I think card stock would have worked even better), and wrote my Easter greeting on the side (length wise) of the paper, then cut along the middle so I have two copies:  

I folded each sheet again then sketched bunny ears on the top part of the fold.  Then I cut along the lines:

I folded and then attached this to the top of a regular ziplock bag with the marshmallows enclosed (prettier party loot bags would look nice too...the creative possibilities are endless!)...and voila!  

Bunny Tail Treats!  


Happy Easter everyone!  

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